Pinch Video

Adjust brightness, contrast

Chose a filter

Drag and drop clips

Pinch | Video Editor

Implementing high-fidelity visual design into the video editing app | from concept project to app launch.

Main Navigation



This case study describes the visual design development of a vlogging editing app. The brand personality and style was established and incorporated into the app design, and after several rounds of user testing and iterations the mock-up moved from low-fidelity to high-fidelity design.



Design approach

The British Council's Double Diamond approach to iterative design was implemented as a framework through the visual design process.

The Problem

Our Persona needs to find a way to organise and edit her vlog projects because she is struggling with the number of platforms she is currently using.

Pinch Social

The Solution

Pinch - a vlogging app that enables our Persona to create, edit and post vlogs within one platform.


Future Steps

1 - Develop and refine the video and photo editing process by further research and iteration.

2 - Day-time mode design development -implementing style and colour scheme.

3 - Further refine the UI design for android as well as desktop design.